hey, i’m nate
i like to draw.
In fact, I’ve been doing it my whole life. My Dad, who I didn’t spend much time with growing up, was a landscape architect and professor. He would take me water-coloring in nature at his project sites. I loved it, and I’ve never really quit. Along the way, I’ve learned a bunch of cool things about art history, optics, craft and spirituality. I can’t wait to share those with you.
rachel campbell @ Craven allen gallery
In Rachel Campbell’s exhibition, “Tell All the Truth But Tell It Slant,” on view through August 27th at Craven Allen Gallery…

How I Got My Logo
I set out early in life to make the world more beautiful with my paintings and drawings. I was energetic, idealistic…

why you should subscribe to my blog
As a way of an introduction, I want to lay out some expectations. I am going to write every week –…

How Art Is Made #1: The Intaglio Etching
These days, you hear a lot about “cloning.” For instance, Dolly, a Finnish Dorset sheep, was born on July 5, 2006…